
Tomorrow it will be one month since we became the new owners of Farmcity’s land and assets which allowed us to grow our farm Just Natural to twice its size!

For Farmcity it meant the end of its story in Mauritius. It is just a chapter closing though. Farmcity continues to live on in Singapore where it empowers city dwellers to grow their own food.

As a tribute to Wesley and Kelly Ann Oxenham, the founders of Farmcity who inspired us so much, we kept the well-known lettering in front of the greenhouse but made from the I and T an A to spell FARMACY. After all, organically grown food is like a medicine to preserve our health!

Our dream has just become bigger and with it, the many tasks at hand somewhat daunting. Yet, excitement is ruling as we can’t wait to see the merging of the two farms unfold.

To be continued!

You can’t always get what you want

“You can’t always get what you want”. You might immediately think of the famous Rolling Stones song (tell me your age without telling your age!).

It is also something my parents said when I was begging them to buy me the latest new gadget. A valuable lesson to teach me that what I want, is not necessarily what I (really) need and that sometimes it is better to hold on to your money to spend it on something that has greater value.

Most of us spend our lives wanting things. Even worse, we do not only continuously want things, but we want them better, faster, easier and for the lowest price possible. We no longer take pleasure in buying something of value, after months, sometimes years, of saving. Nowadays, we seek instant satisfaction and the faster and cheaper we get it, the bigger our satisfaction seems to be. We do not think about the real price of our desires; we simply want it. Now. Not rarely with a dose of entitlement.

Unfortunately, there are hidden costs behind always getting what we want: 

  • a degraded environment because of ever-growing waste piles of stuff that we hardly used and discarded without a care
  • poor health caused by cheaply produced food (perfectly shaped & faster grown with help of pesticides and chemical fertilizers)
  • depletion of natural resources because we exploited them without thinking beyond our lifetime
  • constant stress because our employer has slowly increased the workload without hiring more people to keep costs low (that’s how you keep products cheap!)
  • wars, when some country uses a pretext to invade another because the invaded country has something it wants 
  • and the list goes on.

The Dutch poet Lucebert wrote the famous phrase “Alles van waarde is weerloos” which can be translated as “All things of value are defenseless”. We cannot expect to have good health, a liveable planet, and the enjoyment of peace without actively protecting it.  

“But the economy?!”, you might ask. “If people do not spend, no money is being made, the economy will suffer!” That might be true, but we can choose how to run our economy. Either we keep running this “economy of more” or we switch to an “economy of enough”. Meaning, as a consumer we can either continue to buy cheap things plentiful (which we also discard plentiful) or we can choose to buy less and only things we truly value whilst paying a price that truly reflects the costs. Short-term pleasure vs long-term enjoyment.

Like with anything else you buy, when you buy food, you are not just paying for that salad head or bunch of carrots, you are also paying for the people who grew it, the time and skill that was invested in it, along with the cost of materials and supplies.

Due to the never-ending thirst for cheaper, faster and longer shelf-lives of our food, the agro-industry has been looking for ways to respond to that desire and did so successfully. It found ways to shortcut the natural way of growing our food, which was a great short-term solution to manage the growing world population and its hungry mouths. But, it also cut short the nutrient value of the food and in the long term deteriorated the health of our soil.

At Just Natural we made the conscious choice to grow food organically, regenerate our soil and grow crops that correspond to our climate. We also want to pay our personnel decent wages. If you value this too, then show your support. Look for similar farms in your neighbourhood (we are not the only ones and are hopefully growing in number!). Visit them, buy from them. Your tastebuds and the rest of your body will thank you!

2022 is here!

Before looking forward, let us first take you back to the beginning.

Our journey began in March 2020, during the first lockdown following the outbreak of Covid-19. With supermarkets closed, we were having trouble finding a steady supply of vegetables that were not ‘drowned’ in pesticides. This inspired us to grow our own veggies, fruits and herbs – chemical-free.

We started reading up on how to go about it and watched countless YouTube videos. For lack of a suitable garden, we soon had boxes and pots lined up in our front yard. We were immediately captivated by the thrill of planting seeds, waiting eagerly while wondering if they would sprout, and doing a happy dance when seeing the first bits of greens come up. The rewarding feeling once the veggies landed on our plates and the added joy of discovering their true taste, pushed us to want more. We quickly realised though that to be truly self-sufficient we would need more space. The idea of Just Natural was born! 

After some months of searching, we finally found a suitable plot of land and Just Natural became formally the owner of the land in March 2021 just when the second lockdown started. Very slowly the farm started to come together. We put up extra fencing, created the main entrance and a driveway, did a lot of landscaping and planting trees, put up water storage facilities, storage for tools, created a composting area, a chicken coop and pen, office/reception area…. the list is long! It took us all of 2021, as we both have full-time jobs and could only work at the farm before and after office hours and the weekends. It became a year of many “firsts”: our first beds, first harvests, production of our first liters of honey and first eggs from our free-range chickens. It was also a journey of trial and error, learning from the failures, and getting better with every step.

Today, at the start of 2022, we are almost finished setting up the infrastructure and are getting ready to ramp up production and start building our community. 

Exciting times ahead!

Hello !

Welcome to our blog. Here you can follow our journey towards the opening of Just Natural and have a little peek at our plans as they unfold.